
मधुराम्ल लवण तिक्त कटु कषायश्च इति |
षड्रसा: पुरुषेणेहः भोक्तव्यां बलामिच्छिता ||

- ज्याला बळ (आरोग्य) कमवायचे आहे त्याने गोड (मधुर), आंबट (आम्ल) ,खारट (लवण), कडू (तिक्त) ,तिखट (कटु), तुरट (कषाय) या सहा रसांचे सेवन करावे.

५ टिप्पण्या:

Naniwadekar म्हणाले...

> भोक्तव्यां बलामिच्छता ||

I have practically zero knowledge of Sanskrit, buta the above charaNa is also wronga.

Probably : balamichchhitaa ;
the fifth varna of an anushtubh line must always be laghu, though exceptions are known to exist.

आम्लतिक्त कषायच --> probably kashhaayashch .

Whichever book you are using contains an unpardonable number of mistakes.

- dn

आश्लेषा म्हणाले...

thanks for the correction.I just used to verify /ensure that the sentences in subhashitas are properly constructed. I came to know about vrittas in shubhashite due to your comments. thanks again.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Also in sknskrit katu rasa means tikhat in marathi and tikta means kadu rasa. And order of eating rasa should be starting from madhur amla lavan ticta katu kashay ch eti...for proper health diet hence never eat sweet dish to end meal.

Prasad म्हणाले...

Also in sknskrit katu rasa means tikhat in marathi and tikta means kadu rasa. And order of eating rasa should be starting from madhur amla lavan ticta katu kashay ch eti...for proper health diet hence never eat sweet dish to end meal.

आश्लेषा म्हणाले...

धन्यवाद प्रसाद .आवश्यक त्या दुरुस्त्या केल्या आहेत.